Case Study: Strategic IT Review and Digital Transformation

Sector: Logistics

Client: Under NDA

Model: Associate Partnership

Headquarters: East Midlands, England

Operations: Headquarters, regional office

Headcount: ~100



An existing professional services business operating in the logistics sector grew exponentially when a new business service was introduced to customers.  This had attracted inward investment from private equity and had left the IT function not being aligned to existing or future business requirements.

What We Did

We worked with the board to fully understand where the business was and where it was aiming to be within 5 years.  As a result of this, we investigated various IT function models, which we went on to recommend to the board. On the basis of board approval, an IT Strategy with associated implementation roadmap was delivered, then the roadmap was delivered as part of a programme of works.

What We Delivered

Having identified a mainly mobile workforce, we recommended an outsource IT model utilising Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365.  We designed a procurement framework for a Manages Service Provider (MSP) supplier to be appointed, issued to market and successfully on-boarded the MSP to take on the management of IT with clear KPIs and objectives.

We also coached and mentored the board, so that they were able to managed the MSP moving forward, as well as enabling them to properly undertake and assess enterprise applications as business as usual activity.

What Happened

All IT was successfully managed and secure to budget and targets by the MSP, with the CFO able to manage the supplier appropriately.

Over time, rather than direct intervention we provided oversight, and the board were able to appropriately source and implement Dynamics 365.